We are the St Theosevia Centre for the Study of Christian Spirituality. The Centre was founded in the early 1980s by a group of theologians and other academics and ecumenists, who were members of churches in the eastern Orthodox and the western traditions of Christianity. The foundation’s object is to promote understanding between Christians of different churches, particularly between east and west. The Centre is based at St Theosevia House, 2, Canterbury Rd, Oxford.
Who is St Theosevia? She is not a prominent saint, but is believed to have been the wife of the famous Cappadocian theologian and Bishop, St Gregory of Nyssa (ca AD 333-398). Two houses next door, founded earlier and under a separate Trust, are named after St Gregory and his sister St Macrina.
Study Day Enquiries: Asst. Director of Studies, Claire MacLeod claire.macleod@theology.ox.ac.uk
Bursar: Albert Sanghoon Park st.theosevia.bursar@gmail.com
Manciple: Teddy Seyoum: taseyoum@yahoo.co.uk
Director: Liz.carmichael@sjc.ox.ac.uk Phone 01865 552766 / 07826 233 660
St Theosevia House office landline: 01865 310341 (please leave a message)